INKY Blog | Eliminate email security threats

MSPs: How to Start a Conversation About Email Security and Phishing

Written by Amy Daly | Nov 8, 2022 3:00:00 PM

The speed and capacity of computers doubles every 18 months – which is just one example of technology advancing at a head-spinning rate.1 In spite of technology’s consistent growth, one of the reasons companies cite for changing Managed Service Providers (MSPs) is because the person managing their account doesn’t suggest new products, technologies, or upgrades. If you’re an MSP wishing to expand your offerings to include next-generation anti-phishing protection and then cross-sell new and existing clients, you’re in luck. INKY is the best email security platform, offering MSPs high margins, advanced reporting, and an array of resources to help you along the way.

Why Clients Want You To Make Recommendations

Whether you’re an MSP serving large corporations, small growing businesses, or both, clients hired you to manage their IT. That includes keeping them informed about what is happening in the industry. Suggesting new products reinforces how much you value your clients and ultimately, their success. As a result, when a client sees that you’re helping them to build a stronger company, they become more loyal.

Starting A Conversation About Email Security and Phishing

As the saying goes, “you’re either sales or your service.” By the very nature of the MSP role, it would stand to reason that most people choosing to handle a company’s IT business would fall under the SERVICE grouping. It could also be why many MSPs don’t feel comfortable pitching new products and services to their clients. This mindset is the first thing you need to conquer. Remember, you’re not’re adding value. This is especially true if your goal is to ensure your clients have a strong email security platform that protects them from phishing attacks.

INKY is an award-winning email security platform that blocks threats, prevents data breaches, and coaches users to make smart decisions about the safety of their communications. Cloud-based and cost-effective, INKY has the innovation and expertise to catch abnormalities in emails that can cripple businesses that are not protected. INKY is also easy to deploy, simple to administer, and is compatible with every email platform. Inbound, outbound, and internal emails are all protected, and INKY works the same on mobile devices. Introducing INKY to your clients is easy too. Here are a few best practices for talking about INKY with your clients.

  1. Know your product. If you’re using INKY with existing clients, you probably are an INKY expert. If you’re an INKY Partner who is new to its many benefits, you can tap into training resources offered by the INKY team to improve your level of knowledge.
  2. Make it a priority. Map out which clients don’t already have INKY in place and devise a timeline for broaching the topic with each company. Make the plan realistic but also push for urgency. Then, stick to your plan. Remember, every day a client goes without the right email security service is a day they’re in jeopardy of falling prey to a phishing attack.
  3. Schedule some time. If you have regular monthly or quarterly reviews with your client, add email security to the next meeting agenda. If you don’t already have a formal meeting set up, convey your concern about their email security – in person, by phone, or via email. Then, quickly follow-up with a meeting invite to speak to email security.
  4. Note the client’s email phishing vulnerabilities. Phishing scams hit every industry, though some are hit worse than others. Other factors that can increase a company’s vulnerability include proven points of entry, the relationships they have with their vendors, the types of transactions the company handles, whether or not the company has created a culture of cyber-awareness, and more.
  5. Share some data. This could be INKY data provided through your partnership, cybercrime and phishing data or you can even try sharing some of the reporting that comes from the INKY dashboard.
  6. Explain what makes the INKY email security platform so strong. As part of your MSP partnership, you’ll have the resources you need to explain what makes INKY so successful at stopping phishing attacks. From sender profiling and stylometry to HTML sanitation and the Email Assistant’s ability to change user behavior, there is always plenty to talk about with INKY.
  7. Speak to the competition and why you’re suggesting INKY. Legacy email solutions and phishing simulations don’t have what it takes to stop today’s sophisticated phishing threats. And while there are a number of competitors in the market, none of them can match INKY’s ingenuity or track record. As an MSP Partner, you’ll have the marketing materials you need to show clients all of the powerful ways INKY works to protect their company from phishers.
  8. Explain the risks of not investing in email security. In 2021, $13,127.83 was lost to cybercrime every MINUTE.2 No industry is spared and every year phishing attacks become more numerous, more expensive, and more sophisticated. Those disturbing facts should have a difficult time standing up against a cost-effective email security solution like INKY.
  9. Offer a free demonstration and a free trial. If ‘seeing is believing’, offering a free demonstration, followed by a free trial of the service, is a great way to wrap up your email security and phishing conversation!

As a Managed Service Provider (MSP), your clients rely on you as the expert when it comes to anything having to do with their IT systems, operations, and performance. But to keep things running perfectly, you’ll need to ensure every client is also using the best email security platform and phishing solution available.

MSPs and MSSPs are also eligible to become members of the INKY Partner Program which includes flexible licensing and creative co-marketing programs to help you generate leads and increase revenue. Learn more about what INKY can do for your company by scheduling a free demonstration today.

INKY is an award-winning, behavioral email security platform that blocks phishing threats, prevents data leaks, and coaches users to make smart decisions. Like a cybersecurity coach, INKY signals suspicious behaviors with interactive email banners that guide users to take safe action on any device or email client. IT teams don’t face the burden of filtering every email themselves or maintaining multiple systems. Through powerful technology and intuitive user engagement, INKY keeps phishers out for good. Learn why so many companies trust the security of their email to INKY. Request an online demonstration today.


